Lmbt tul nk msuk chapter 2...giler bz beb.hihi...pe2pun mari kt truskn ngn destinasi kt.hihi...stlh check in hotel,kami xbuang ms trus ke Disneyland...I cn c fr my little sis n bro faces.they're eager n wonder what they'll meet...using shuttle bus,we arrived to da destination...nmpk je signboard Disneyland HK,dh terase bahangny...hihi.tp,rerupenye,nk msuk gate jauh lg....huhuhu
D ptg yg panas gedegang,ku menapak meningglkn lemak ku d merata2 Disneyland..huhu..arca yg sambut kami ialah mickey mouse surf on whale...so intresting.enter da gate,we need use thumb print coz da package we took was 2 days...so canggih..hihi..1st thin' that we
find 4 is Disneyland attitude...hihi...I'm really attracted by da devil.as well as my bro who also bought da mantel...hihi...
Secara detail nye,u olz can clicks kt dis link ye.it's very useful to c clearly...
Dr ptg smpi mlm ktorng explore Fantasyland.xsempat cont ngn other lands coz waiting 4 Halloween Celeb.Dun wori esok de lg...name pn Tomorrowland so,kna g tomorrow la..hihihi..otw balik ke hotel,aku pn berazam tidak akn ke sana lg...so tired,melecet di sana sini (kaki la!!)...hihi..balik ke hotel,mandi manda n tpakse mkn kt hotel je coz xtau tmpt len.bile nk order,byk tul bkira2 tp sume mesti unsur sayur...huhu...akhirnya rase gak nasi...hihi
Next Chapter~Town of HK
sian xde org komen............
komen xikhlas: wah!!!! kagum!!!
bongok!!!hampeh tul!!!!!hihihihi
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